[assassin's promise][ebon vanguard assassin support][dancing daggers][entangling asp][signet of toxic shock][Finish Him][Shadow Sanctuary][Dark Escape]
This is my personal favorite, I've vanquished several areas with it without having problems and is currently my survivor build (well with Augury instead of Finish Him and Feigned Neutrality replacing Shadow Sanctuary). It's bane is obviously hex removal, in areas where you know you'll get Smite Hex'd and such, the Lyssa's assacaster is better.
You got two knock downs (Iron Palm from Ebon Sin and Asp) and a sweet spike from Signet of Toxic Shock and Finish him, plus decent pressure from Dancing Daggers.
The last two skills are really optional, but Assassin's Promise recharge lets you keep up Shadow Sanctuary and Dark Escape for as long as the fight lasts. Since you're casting, the Blind and Dark Escape ending on an attack aren't real drawbacks to you.